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QuickLegal is a platform where you can easily and quickly find any legal services online. QuickLegal comes to your aid with constantly updated information as well as legal assistance from specialized lawyers. We do not want to give you a list of lawyers. We instantly put you in contact with the most suitable lawyers chosen based on the information provided by you. You can ask any question to a lawyer for only 2 EUR (9.99 RON) and talk to him or her for free for 15 minutes, and if you have your own business, we offer low cost packages for any legal need. Here you will find all the legal services you need for any legal problem.

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Instant contact with a lawyer

QuickLegal selects the most suitable lawyers on the platform according to your needs and gives you the opportunity to get in direct contact with them and discuss the problem you are facing in order to find the best solution together

Free interaction with the chosen lawyer

If you've ever needed legal advice but didn't know who to turn to, the QuickLegal platform comes to your aid by giving you direct access to lawyers specialized in your issue and the opportunity to speak for free for 15 minutes with the lawyer of your choice

Documents and legal services at an advantageous price

We want to change the way legal services are currently accessed and help make them more transparent and accessible so you can be sure you've made an informed decision. After you create an account, you will have access to contract drafts at accessible prices.

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